For about 20 years, Ray Keating wrote a weekly column - a short time with the New York City Tribune, more than 11 years with Newsday, another seven years with Long Island Business News, plus another year-and-a-half with As an economist, Keating also pens an assortment of analyses each week. With the Keating Files, he decided to expand his efforts with regular commentary touching on a broad range of issues, written by himself and an assortment of talented contributors and columnists. So, here goes...

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Free Enterprise in Three Minutes, Episode #10: Profits Aren't Evil

No matter what you might have heard about profits being “evil,” Ray Keating makes clear that is not really the case. Instead, Keating explains the critical roles that both profits and losses play in our economy.

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Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Free Enterprise in Three Minutes Podcast, Episode #8: What the Heck is Scarcity?

Free Enterprise in Three Minutes Podcast, Episode #8: Ray Keating explains what “scarcity” means in the world of economics; sums up why it matters; and notes that it should not be confused with other terms, like “poverty” or “shortages.”

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