For about 20 years, Ray Keating wrote a weekly column - a short time with the New York City Tribune, more than 11 years with Newsday, another seven years with Long Island Business News, plus another year-and-a-half with As an economist, Keating also pens an assortment of analyses each week. With the Keating Files, he decided to expand his efforts with regular commentary touching on a broad range of issues, written by himself and an assortment of talented contributors and columnists. So, here goes...

Friday, February 26, 2021

Ray Keating Chats About His New Book - PAST LIVES


“Past Lives” is the New Pastor Stephen Grant Adventure from Award-Winning Novelist Ray Keating

 Page-Turning Short Story Torn from the Pages of Pastor Grant’s Own Daily Journal


Long Island, NY – Kirkus Reviews has called Ray Keating’s Pastor Stephen Grant “an engaging and multifaceted character” and “a consistently entertaining hero.” And now, this latest adventure, Past Lives: A Pastor Stephen Grant Short Story, is told from Grant’s own viewpoint, unfolding each day in the pages of his journal.

Pastor Grant tells about threats, murder and puzzling people from his past. It’s a compelling mystery involving action, unexpected turns, lost innocence, and twisted revenge. 


Regarding Past LivesSelf-Publishing Review says, “Ray Keating takes a new angle on his long-time hero in Past Lives. A mysterious enemy from the past comes back to haunt the warrior priest in this uniquely styled first-person story. As the clues mount, so does the body count, giving Grant yet another baffling and high-stakes case to unravel. This condensed mystery is enjoyably gripping, and marked by the author's characteristic style of suspense.”


Ray Keating said, “Past Lives is something new for me, and for Pastor Stephen Grant readers. It’s a short story written from a first-person point of view, with Grant telling the story through his journal entries. It’s something different, and I hope readers like it.”


Past Lives comes after the recent publication of Vatican Shadows: A Pastor Stephen Grant Novel, which has earned widespread praise. For example, Kirkus Reviews said, “A riveting entry in a multivolume series that continues to deliver strong characters and suspense.” 


Paperbacks and the Kindle edition of Past Lives: A Pastor Stephen Grant Short Story are at Amazon via and signed books are at


About Keating and his Pastor Stephen Grant thrillers and mysteries, Kirkus Reviews simply says “exhilarating.” Lutheran Book Review says, “I miss Tom Clancy. Keating fills that void for me.” The retired host of KFUO radio’s BookTalk declares, “Ray Keating is a great novelist.” David Keene of The Washington Times calls these novels “great reads.”  And another reviewer observes, “How I'd love to see Pastor Grant on Netflix!”


Keating’s previous Pastor Stephen Grant thrillers/mysteries – Vatican Shadows (2020), The Traitor (2019), Deep Rough (2019), Shifting Sands (2018), Heroes and Villains (2018), Reagan Country (2018), Lionhearts (2017), Wine Into Water (2016), Murderer’s Row (2015), The River (2014), An Advent For Religious Liberty (2012), Root of All Evil? (Second Edition 2020)and Warrior Monk(Second Edition 2019) – have received widespread praise from all kinds of readers. 


Review copies, and author interviews and appearances are available upon request. 

Monday, February 15, 2021

Catch Up on Some Sound Economics: Pandemic Economy, Short-Selling, Innovation vs. Regulation, Reagan Economy, and Poet John Donne

 by Ray Keating

The Keating Files – February 15, 2021


We’re in need of some sound economics, so why not catch up on the latest episodes of the “Free Enterprise in Three Minutes” podcast right now? After all, each one only takes about three minutes!

Free Enterprise in Three Minutes with Ray Keating – Episode #93: John Donne, Adam Smith, Trade, and No Man is an Island – What can English poet and Anglican cleric John Donne teach us about economics? Tune in to find out. Listen at


Free Enterprise in Three Minutes with Ray Keating – Episode #92: Economic History – The Reagan Economy – With President Reagan’s birthday being Feb 6th, Ray Keating explains the dramatic and positive improvements experienced in the economy during the Reagan years thanks to a sound economic policy agenda. Listen at


Free Enterprise in Three Minutes with Ray Keating – Episode #91: Innovation vs. Regulation – Ray Keating explains the difference between innovation and regulation. As amazing as it might seem, there are people, especially politicians, who have a tough time differentiating between the two. Listen at


Free Enterprise in Three Minutes with Ray Keating – Episode #90: What’s the Real Deal with Shorting a Stock? – Keating explains what shorting a stock really is about as opposed to what you might otherwise read or hear online or via cable TV. Listen at


Free Enterprise in Three Minutes with Ray Keating – Episode 89: Climbing Out of the Pandemic Economic Hole – Ray Keating considers how deep our pandemic economic hole is, and how long it might take to climb out – also noting that the right policy mix is vital. Listen at




Ray Keating is a columnist, novelist, economist, podcaster and entrepreneur.  His new book Vatican Shadows: A Pastor Stephen Grant Novel is the 13th thriller/mystery in the Pastor Stephen Grant series. Get the paperback or Kindle edition at Amazon, or signed books at


The views expressed here are his own – after all, no one else should be held responsible for this stuff, right?


You also can order his book Behind Enemy Lines: Conservative Communiques from Left-Wing New York  from Amazon or signed books  at His other recent nonfiction book is Free Trade Rocks! 10 Points on International Trade Everyone Should Know


One of the best ways to enjoy Ray Keating’s Pastor Stephen Grant thrillers and mysteries is to join the Pastor Stephen Grant Fellowship! For the BEST VALUE, consider the Book of the Month Club.  Check it all out at


Also, tune in to Ray Keating’s podcasts – the PRESS CLUB C Podcast  and the Free Enterprise in Three Minutes Podcast  


Check out Ray Keating’s Disney news and entertainment site at

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Monday, February 8, 2021

On the Springsteen Jeep Super Bowl Commercial

 by Ray Keating

The Keating Files – February 8, 2021


It’s been a very long time since I called myself a Bruce Springsteen fan – not since college days. It didn’t take me long to leave behind his longing-for-or-stuck-in-yesterday lyrics disguised by a driving rock sound.


While I love history, and have a deep respect for the faith and traditions passed on to me by previous generations, angsty looking back and regrets aren’t terribly interesting or enlightening. For good measure, Springsteen hasn’t exactly hid his Democratic Party leanings over the years.

Now, having acknowledged all of this, I was impressed by the Jeep commercial that aired during the Super Bowl that featured Springsteen talking about regaining common ground in America. This wasn’t Democratic celebrity or angsty rocker Springsteen. Instead, it was fellow American Springsteen.


In this commercial, he speaks of Americans not being at our best when we submit to fear, and that the freedom we share is essential. It features him at a chapel in Kansas, “standing at the exact center of the lower forty-eight.” He continues, “It never closes. All are more than welcome to come meet here in the middle.” And he talks of freedom connecting Americans in the middle.


Although, I doubt this going to sell any more Jeep Wranglers, I still say kudos to Jeep and Springsteen for this statement. 


Indeed, the few critical comments that I’ve seen – and I have not done a deep dive on this – seem to come from the Right, including some fellow conservatives. They seem to discard the message because it comes from a Democrat. Okay. Whatever. But just because one agrees with Springsteen in this video doesn’t mean that one agrees with him on everything else. Indeed, I don’t. We need to reaffirm our common ground and our love of freedom, and with that freedom, to discuss, debate and even argue … civilly … and celebrate the many things that we share as Americans.




Ray Keating is a columnist, novelist, economist, podcaster and entrepreneur.  His new book Vatican Shadows: A Pastor Stephen Grant Novel is the 13th thriller/mystery in the Pastor Stephen Grant series. Get the paperback or Kindle edition at Amazon, or signed books at


The views expressed here are his own – after all, no one else should be held responsible for this stuff, right?


You also can order his book Behind Enemy Lines: Conservative Communiques from Left-Wing New York  from Amazon or signed books  at His other recent nonfiction book is Free Trade Rocks! 10 Points on International Trade Everyone Should Know


One of the best ways to enjoy Ray Keating’s Pastor Stephen Grant thrillers and mysteries is to join the Pastor Stephen Grant Fellowship! For the BEST VALUE, consider the Book of the Month Club.  Check it all out at


Also, tune in to Ray Keating’s podcasts – the PRESS CLUB C Podcast  and the Free Enterprise in Three Minutes Podcast  


Check out Ray Keating’s Disney news and entertainment site at

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Rebuilding Conservatism #6: Reagan on Conservatism

 Introductory comments from Ray Keating

Speech by President Ronald Reagan

The Keating Files – February 4, 2021


(Editor’s Note: Much damage has been inflicted on conservatism, conservative thought, and the conservative movement in recent years. The effort to heal and rebuild conservatism promises to be a difficult, but necessary undertaking. The Keating Files will regularly weigh in to help that process. This is our sixth “Rebuilding Conservatism” column.)


When it comes to where the conservative movement, and to some degree the Republican Party, might be headed, four main camps seem to dominate the discussion – of course, with some differences within each camp and some agreement across lines. One group believes that Donald Trump and his populism are the future. Others believe that what’s needed is a return to the conservatism made manifest and popular during the time Ronald Reagan was president and for many years after. Another group tries to dress up Trumpism, arguing that Trump and Reagan actually were part of the same movement. And then there is a group that recognizes differences between Trumpism and Reaganism, that is, between populism and conservatism, but they believe that the two can somehow be fused into a coherent philosophy. 

In my view, a Trump populism is doomed to failure, since fear and anger, which are the roots of populism, do not make for a coherent, lasting political movement, never mind offering coherent political thinking. Also, if you understand the American-style conservatism that Reagan largely subscribed to and spoke of, then it should become clear that Trumpism isn’t just another version of Reaganism, and populism cannot coexist in the same school of political thought as such conservatism. If you doubt these points, consider the following speech by President Ronald Reagan at the Conservative Political Action Conference dinner on March 20, 1981 (courtesy of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum), one of many in which Reagan spoke about America and conservatism. Anyone who thinks such musings could come from a populist, or from Donald Trump, is simply choosing to fool oneself for whatever reason, of which in politics there could be many. – Ray Keating


…But let us also, tonight, salute those with vision who labored to found this group -- the American Conservative Union, the Young Americans for Freedom, National Review and Human Events.


It's been said that anyone who seeks success or greatness should first forget about both and seek only the truth, and the rest will follow. Well, fellow truthseekers, none of us here tonight -- contemplating the seal on this podium and a balanced budget in 1984 -- can argue with that kind of logic. For whatever history does finally say about our cause, it must say: The conservative movement in 20th century America held fast through hard and difficult years to its vision of the truth. And history must also say that our victory, when it was achieved, was not so much a victory of politics as it was a victory of ideas, not so much a victory for any one man or party as it was a victory for a set of principles -- principles that were protected and nourished by a few unselfish Americans through many grim and heartbreaking defeats.


Now, you are those Americans that I'm talking about. I wanted to be here not just to acknowledge your efforts on my behalf, not just to remark that last November's victory was singularly your victory, not just to mention that the new administration in Washington is a testimony to your perseverance and devotion to principle, but to say, simply, ``Thank you,'' and to say those words not as a President, or even as a conservative; thank you as an American. I say this knowing that there are many in this room whose talents might have entitled them to a life of affluence but who chose another career out of a higher sense of duty to country. And I know, too, that the story of their selflessness will never be written up in Time or Newsweek or go down in the history books.


You know, on an occasion like this it's a little hard not to reminisce, not to think back and just realize how far we've come. The Portuguese have a word for such recollection -- saudade -- a poetic term rich with the dreams of yesterday. And surely in our past there was many a dream that went a glimmering and many a field littered with broken lances.


Who can forget that July night in San Francisco when Barry Goldwater told us that we must set the tides running again in the cause of freedom, and he said, ``until our cause has won the day, inspired the world, and shown the way to a tomorrow worthy of all our yesteryears''? And had there not been a Barry Goldwater willing to take that lonely walk, we wouldn't be here talking of a celebration tonight.


But our memories are not just political ones. I like to think back about a small, artfully written magazine named National Review, founded in 1955 and ridiculed by the intellectual establishment because it published an editorial that said it would stand athwart the course of history yelling, ``Stop!'' And then there was a spritely written newsweekly coming out of Washington named Human Eventsthat many said would never be taken seriously, but it would become later ``must reading'' not only for Capitol Hill insiders but for all of those in public life.


How many of us were there who used to go home from meetings like this with no thought of giving up, but still find ourselves wondering in the dark of night whether this much-loved land might go the way of other great nations that lost a sense of mission and a passion for freedom?


There are so many people and institutions who come to mind for their role in the success we celebrate tonight. Intellectual leaders like Russell Kirk, Friedrich Hayek, Henry Hazlitt, Milton Friedman, James Burnham, Ludwig von Mises -- they shaped so much of our thoughts.


It's especially hard to believe that it was only a decade ago, on a cold April day on a small hill in upstate New York, that another of these great thinkers, Frank Meyer, was buried. He'd made the awful journey that so many others had: He pulled himself from the clutches of ``The God That Failed,'' and then in his writing fashioned a vigorous new synthesis of traditional and libertarian thought -- a synthesis that is today recognized by many as modern conservatism.


It was Frank Meyer who reminded us that the robust individualism of the American experience was part of the deeper current of Western learning and culture. He pointed out that a respect for law, an appreciation for tradition, and regard for the social consensus that gives stability to our public and private institutions, these civilized ideas must still motivate us even as we seek a new economic prosperity based on reducing government interference in the marketplace.


Our goals complement each other. We're not cutting the budget simply for the sake of sounder financial management. This is only a first step toward returning power to the States and communities, only a first step toward reordering the relationship between citizen and government. We can make government again responsive to people not only by cutting its size and scope and thereby ensuring that its legitimate functions are performed efficiently and justly.


Because ours is a consistent philosophy of government, we can be very clear: We do not have a social agenda, separate, separate economic agenda, and a separate foreign agenda. We have one agenda. Just as surely as we seek to put our financial house in order and rebuild our nation's defenses, so too we seek to protect the unborn, to end the manipulation of schoolchildren by utopian planners, and permit the acknowledgement of a Supreme Being in our classrooms just as we allow such acknowledgements in other public institutions.


Now, obviously we're not going to be able to accomplish all this at once. The American people are patient. I think they realize that the wrongs done over several decades cannot be corrected instantly. You know, I had the pleasure in appearing before a Senate committee once while I was still Governor, and I was challenged because there was a Republican President in the White House who'd been there for several months -- why we hadn't then corrected everything that had been done. And the only way I could think to answer him is I told him about a ranch many years ago that Nancy and I acquired. It had a barn with eight stalls in it in which they had kept cattle, and we wanted to keep horses. And I was in there day after day with a pick and a shovel, lowering the level of those stalls, which had accumulated over the years. [Laughter] And I told this Senator who'd asked that question that I discovered that you did not undo in weeks or months what it had taken some 15 years to accumulate.


I also believe that we conservatives, if we mean to continue governing, must realize that it will not always be so easy to place the blame on the past for our national difficulties. You know, one day the great baseball manager Frankie Frisch sent a rookie out to play center field. The rookie promptly dropped the first fly ball that was hit to him. On the next play he let a grounder go between his feet and then threw the ball to the wrong base. Frankie stormed out of the dugout, took his glove away from him and said, ``I'll show you how to play this position.'' And the next batter slammed a line drive right over second base. Frankie came in on it, missed it completely, fell down when he tried to chase it, threw down his glove, and yelled at the rookie, ``You've got center field so screwed up nobody can play it.'' [Laughter]

The point is we must lead a nation, and that means more than criticizing the past. Indeed, as T. S. Eliot once said, ``Only by acceptance of the past will you alter its meaning.''


Now, during our political efforts, we were the subject of much indifference and often times intolerance, and that's why I hope our political victory will be remembered as a generous one and our time in power will be recalled for the tolerance we showed for those with whom we disagree.


But beyond this, beyond this we have to offer America and the world a larger vision. We must remove government's smothering hand from where it does harm; we must seek to revitalize the proper functions of government. But we do these things to set loose again the energy and the ingenuity of the American people. We do these things to reinvigorate those social and economic institutions which serve as a buffer and a bridge between the individual and the state -- and which remain the real source of our progress as a people.


And we must hold out this exciting prospect of an orderly, compassionate, pluralistic society -- an archipelago of prospering communities and divergent institutions -- a place where a free and energetic people can work out their own destiny under God.


I know that some will think about the perilous world we live in and the dangerous decade before us and ask what practical effect this conservative vision can have today. When Prime Minister Thatcher was here recently we both remarked on the sudden, overwhelming changes that had come recently to politics in both our countries.


At our last official function, I told the Prime Minister that everywhere we look in the world the cult of the state is dying. And I held out hope that it wouldn't be long before those of our adversaries who preach the supremacy of the state were remembered only for their role in a sad, rather bizarre chapter in human history. The largest planned economy in the world has to buy food elsewhere or its people would starve.


We've heard in our century far too much of the sounds of anguish from those who live under totalitarian rule. We've seen too many monuments made not out of marble or stone but out of barbed wire and terror. But from these terrible places have come survivors, witnesses to the triumph of the human spirit over the mystique of state power, prisoners whose spiritual values made them the rulers of their guards. With their survival, they brought us ``the secret of the camps,'' a lesson for our time and for any age: Evil is powerless if the good are unafraid.


That's why the Marxist vision of man without God must eventually be seen as an empty and a false faith -- the second oldest in the world -- first proclaimed in the Garden of Eden with whispered words of temptation: ``Ye shall be as gods.'' The crisis of the Western world, Whittaker Chambers reminded us, exists to the degree in which it is indifferent to God. ``The Western world does not know it,'' he said about our struggle, ``but it already possesses the answer to this problem -- but only provided that its faith in God and the freedom He enjoins is as great as communism's faith in man.''


This is the real task before us: to reassert our commitment as a nation to a law higher than our own, to renew our spiritual strength. Only by building a wall of such spiritual resolve can we, as a free people, hope to protect our own heritage and make it someday the birthright of all men.


There is, in America, a greatness and a tremendous heritage of idealism which is a reservoir of strength and goodness. It is ours if we will but tap it. And, because of this -- because that greatness is there -- there is need in America today for a reaffirmation of that goodness and a reformation of our greatness.


The dialog and the deeds of the past few decades are not sufficient to the day in which we live. They cannot keep the promise of tomorrow. The encrusted bureaucracies and the engrained procedures which have developed of late respond neither to the minority or the majority. We've come to a turning point. We have a decision to make. Will we continue with yesterday's agenda and yesterday's failures, or will we reassert our ideals and our standards, will we reaffirm our faith, and renew our purpose? This is a time for choosing.


I made a speech by that title in 1964. I said, ``We've been told increasingly that we must choose between left or right.'' But we're still using those terms -- left or right. And I'll repeat what I said then in '64. ``There is no left or right. There's only an up or down:'' up to the ultimate in individual freedom, man's age old dream, the ultimate in individual freedom consistent with an orderly society -- or down to the totalitarianism of the ant heap. And those today who, however good their intentions, tell us that we should trade freedom for security are on that downward path.


Those of us who call ourselves conservative have pointed out what's wrong with government policy for more than a quarter of a century. Now we have an opportunity to make policy and to change our national direction. All of us in government -- in the House, in the Senate, in the executive branch -- and in private life can now stand together. We can stop the drain on the economy by the public sector. We can restore our national prosperity. We can replace the overregulated society with the creative society. We can appoint to the bench distinguished judges who understand the first responsibility of any legal system is to punish the guilty and protect the innocent. We can restore to their rightful place in our national consciousness the values of family, work, neighborhood, and religion. And, finally, we can see to it that the nations of the world clearly understand America's intentions and respect for resolve.


Now we have the opportunity -- yes, and the necessity -- to prove that the American promise is equal to the task of redressing our grievances and equal to the challenge of inventing a great tomorrow.


This reformation, this renaissance will not be achieved or will it be served, by those who engage in political claptrap or false promises. It will not be achieved by those who set people against people, class against class, or institution against institution. So, while we celebrate our recent political victory we must understand there's much work before us: to gain control again of government, to reward personal initiative and risk-taking in the marketplace, to revitalize our system of federalism, to strengthen the private institutions that make up the independent sector of our society, and to make our own spiritual affirmation in the face of those who would deny man has a place before God. Not easy tasks perhaps. But I would remind you as I did on January 20th, they're not impossible, because, after all, we're Americans.


This year we will celebrate a victory won two centuries ago at Yorktown, the victory of a small, fledgling nation over a mighty world power. How many people are aware -- I've been told that a British band played the music at that surrender ceremony because we didn't have a band. [Laughter] And they played a tune that was very popular in England at the time. Its title was ``The World Turned Upside Down.'' I'm sure it was far more appropriate than they realized at that moment. The heritage from that long difficult struggle is before our eyes today in this city, in the great halls of our government and in the monuments to the memory of our great men.


It is this heritage that evokes the images of a much-loved land, a land of struggling settlers and lonely immigrants, of giant cities and great frontiers, images of all that our country is and all that we want her to be. That's the America entrusted to us, to stand by, to protect, and yes, to lead her wisely.


Fellow citizens, fellow conservatives, our time is now. Our moment has arrived. We stand together shoulder to shoulder in the thickest of the fight. If we carry the day and turn the tide, we can hope that as long as men speak of freedom and those who have protected it, they will remember us, and they will say, ``Here were the brave and here their place of honor.''


- President Ronald Reagan




Other articles in the Rebuilding Conservatism Series…


“Rebuilding Conservatism #5: Reagan on the Importance of Immigration to America


“Rebuilding Conservatism #4: Lessons in Economics, Part II – Understanding the Economics of Monopoly and Antitrust


“Rebuilding Conservatism #3: Lessons in Economics, Part I – Thinking about Trade


“Rebuilding Conservatism #2: Free Trade Rocks and Protectionism Sucks”


“Rebuilding Conservatism #1: What is Conservatism?”




Ray Keating is a columnist, novelist, economist, podcaster and entrepreneur.  His new book Vatican Shadows: A Pastor Stephen Grant Novel is the 13th thriller/mystery in the Pastor Stephen Grant series. Get the paperback or Kindle edition at Amazon, or signed books at


The views expressed here are his own – after all, no one else should be held responsible for this stuff, right?


You also can order his book Behind Enemy Lines: Conservative Communiques from Left-Wing New York  from Amazon or signed books  at His other recent nonfiction book is Free Trade Rocks! 10 Points on International Trade Everyone Should Know


One of the best ways to enjoy Ray Keating’s Pastor Stephen Grant thrillers and mysteries is to join the Pastor Stephen Grant Fellowship! For the BEST VALUE, consider the Book of the Month Club.  Check it all out at


Also, tune in to Ray Keating’s podcasts – the PRESS CLUB C Podcast  and the Free Enterprise in Three Minutes Podcast  


Check out Ray Keating’s Disney news and entertainment site at